藍嘉比沙耶 solo exhibition “ OUTLINE ”
本展では、2018年より制作を続ける “ OUTLINE ” シリーズの新作を発表致します。
藍嘉比はまずその様な アニメ特有の性質を持った絵をiPadを用いて制作し、それらを自ら引用する形で様々な作品に落とし込んでいます。
“アウトライン” と名付けられた作品は2018年から制作している 滲み が特徴的な、アウトラインが存在しないシリーズ作品。
水と絵具が混じり合い、絵具同士も混じり合い、元々あった明確な色面の境界線を越えて、自身が考えていた絵からは 想像も出来ないまったく別の物に変化していくと藍嘉比は言います。
※完全予約制となります。→ ご予約はこちらより
- 期間:2023. 3.25 (土) - 4.8 (土)
- 時間:13:00 - 19:00 ※オープニングレセプションの予定はございません。休廊日 : 日曜 , 月曜 , 祝日
- 場所:HENKYO ( 東京都渋谷区上原1-17-3-105)
aokabi saya solo exhibition “ OUTLINE ”
HENKYO is pleased to present OUTLINE, a solo exhibition by Aokabi Saya.
In this exhibition, Aokabi will present new works from the “OUTLINE” series that she has been working on since 2018. This will be her first solo exhibition in two years following her debut solo show in 2021.
Aokabi Saya (b. 1997) creates two-dimensional works that reference Japanese commercial animations from her childhood era. Japanese anime, in particular, is characterized by clear-cut shadows and uniform color surfaces. Taking inspiration from these specific visual characteristics, Aokabi first creates her drawings on an iPad, which she then uses as a reference for her canvas works.
The series entitled “Outline”, which she has been working on since 2018, is characterized by a lack of outline and a blotchy, blurry effect created by spraying water onto a raw canvas that has not been primed, and then immediately applying paint to the surface all at once. As the water and paints mix, the clear boundaries of color disappear, transforming the painting into something the artist had not imagined. In this way,
the work becomes independent from the artist, and when it does so, it becomes complete.
*By appointment only. Please reserve your visit through the form .
- Dates : March 25 (Sat) - April 8 (Sat), 2023.
- 13:00 -19:00 *There will be no opening reception. Closed: Sunday, Monday, National holidays
- Venue: HENKYO (1-17-3-105 Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)