aokabi saya solo exhibition「 Mille crepe」
藍嘉比沙耶 aokabi saya
この度 HENKYOでは ペインター 藍嘉比沙耶による個展を開催致します。
HENKYO(東京)、SUPER BLANK(岡山)、FACTORY Gallery(鹿児島)の三ヶ所同時開催、どうぞご高覧下さい。
展覧会初日の3/27は ISI PRESS vol.8 aokabi saya (ISI PRESS刊 /デザイン:服部一成)の発売日となり、各会場での販売を予定しております。
藍嘉比沙耶 1997年生まれ。自身の原風景をアニメキャラクターとし、それを元に平面の制作を行なう。
HENKYO [https://henkyo.jp]
OPEN 13:00 – 19:00 / CLOSE:日/月/祝
* 完全アポイントメント制 ご予約は info@henkyo.jp まで
* 本展はコロナウィルス拡散防止の対策として、マスクの着用と入口での手の消毒をお願いしております。
SUPER BLANK (岡山市北区問屋町14 cafe.the market maimai 2F)
OPEN 12:00 – 19:00
* 本展はコロナウィルス拡散防止の対策として、マスクの着用と入口での手の消毒をお願いしております。
FACTORY Gallery (鹿児島市吉野町9679-10 ファクトリービルヂング2F)
OPEN 13:00 – 18:00 / CLOSE : 月
* 本展はコロナウィルス拡散防止の対策として、マスクの着用と入口での手の消毒をお願いしております。
[ ISI PRESS vol.8 aokabi saya ]
発売日 : 2021.3.27
定価 : ¥1,500(税別)
デザイン : 服部一成
HENKYO is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by the painter Saya Aokabi.
She consistently creates acrylic paintings with the motifs of anime that she is familiar from her childhood. This will be her first solo exhibition and an important opportunity to introduce her canvas work that she has been working for the past one year.
The exhibitions will be held simultaneously at three venues, HENKYO (Tokyo), SUPER BLANK (Okayama), FACTORY Gallery (Kagoshima).
ISI PRESS Vol.8 aokabi saya Published by ISI PRESS and Design by Kazunari Hattori will be released on the first day of the exhibition, March 27th, and will be on sale at each venue.
Saya Aokabi / @aokabisaya
Born in 1997
She creates two-dimensional works based on anime characters on her own roots.
Saya Aokabi Solo Exhibition “Mill Crepes”
March 27 – April 10, 2021
1-17-3-105 Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Opening hours 13:00 –19:00
Closed on Sundays / Mondays / Holidays
* By appointment only, please contact to the following address: info@henkyo.jp
* In an effort to prevent COVID-19 infections, please be sure to wear mask and sanitize your hands at the entrance.
* We limit the entrance of our customers to 1group(2 people)at every 30 minutes.
* This exhibition may end without prior notice.
14 cafe.the market maimai 2F, Toiya-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama-shi
Opening hours 12:00 – 19:00
* In an effort to prevent COVID-19 infections, please be sure to wear mask and sanitize your hands at the entrance.
2F Factory Building, 9679-10 Yoshino-cho, Kagoshima City
Opening hours 13:00 – 18:00
Closed on Mondays
* In an effort to prevent COVID-19 infections, please be sure to wear mask and sanitize your hand at the entrance.